John has the ability to convert error into lessons, workload pressure into productivity and skills into strengths. He has a keen sense to bring out the best in all of us and provide opportunity for professional growth within the organization. A strong leader in advancing the vision.
Kristen Hunter

Event Marketing Specialist, CSC Global

John is extremely thoughtful and enthusiastic in delivering strengths programming and coaching. The subject matter is already interesting, but John brings additional care and insight. I recommend John to any senior leadership team looking to develop leadership programming, especially one focused on strengths.

Nathan Magnuson

If you are lucky enough to work with John on leadership skills development, you will experience what it’s like to have someone on your side, cheering for your success. John sees and helps you develop strengths that you didn’t even know you had. His positivity, professional intelligence and tremendous experience provide the type of leadership coaching that can greatly benefit your organization’s leadership.
Lorena Villagran

Senior Director of Client Services

John has a gift at helping people understand what their keys strengths are and how to leverage them to get the results they want. While I was aware of what some of my strengths were, he helped me to identify more and how I can draw them out to be more effective in growing my business and relationships with my colleagues, family and friends. I can’t thank him enough for his guidance with this as this will help me to be able to help others even more!
Barbara Gustavson

Discover Next Step LLC

John is the best around when it comes to helping teams make sense of dynamics and understanding one another. His expertise was paramount in helping our staff finally function as a team as we began to truly understand what it means to be FOR one another. Personally, knowing how I’m hard-wired has helped me process various situations in a much more conscious way. I am so grateful for John and all he has done for me.

Ryan Chaisson

Student Minister, River Club Church

This is a quick note to praise the amazing guidance John has provided to my team and me during our journey where we explored professional development in the hope to maximize team collaboration and communication. As a gifted coach, John helped us individually to identify and understand our strengths. He also provided valuable insights of how we may maximize our work and communication through team building games and exercises. I highly recommend John to managers who are looking into how to empower their employees, and to individuals who are eager to learn more of their own natural talents and how to achieve maximum potential. Thank you so much, John, for this amazing journey!

Silvia Gwin

Attorney at Law